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Header Bidding Mediation

Modified on: Mon, 12 Dec, 2022

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What is header bidding?

How to use header bidding with Ezoic

How to wrap existing header bidding tags

Mediation earnings

What is header bidding?

Header bidding is a programmatic technique that publishers use to increase their yield from advertisements. Known as pre-bidding, publishers offer their ad inventory to multiple ad exchanges before making a call to their ad server. By allowing multiple demand sources to bid on the same inventory at the same time, publishers are sometimes able to make more money from each impression.

If you're using header bidding already, you can integrate it with Ezoic to allow it to continue to run while testing. 

How to use header bidding with Ezoic

1. Install the Mediation app under the EzoicAds tab in your dashboard. Once the app is installed, navigate to the 'Header Bidding Mediation' section. 


2. Link your existing header bidding by clicking the 'add network' button.


3. For each network, you'll need to add the revenue share percentage you've agreed separately with that heading bidder partner, plus the bid parameters. These include the ad size and tag id.


4. Once completed, click 'Save Changes'

How to wrap existing header bidding tags

In order to reduce conflict between your existing header bidding and Ezoic ad testing, we recommend following the instructions here to wrap your existing header bidding tags.

Mediation earnings

It can take a few days for the new mediation partners to kick in. When it does, you will see the mediation earnings under the 'Mediation Ad Partners' section on your Ezoic dashboard. This revenue will collect in your own respective ad network accounts 

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