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Ezoic Content Guidelines

Modified on: Wed, 24 Jul, 2024

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Core Requirements

Content Quality

Thin Content

Prohibited Articles

Prohibited Sites

Core Requirements

We expect all sites to have content that is original, engaging and contributes value to visitors.

Content Quality

Add Enough Unique Content

Sites with high quality content contain articles which directly answer the question posed by the article, unlike lower quality sites which tend to contain more vague content which offers less value, violating Google’s scaled content policies. If you are using AI and generative tools to produce your content, ensure that you are adding value, rather than just repurposing content that is already published online.

Avoid Duplicate Content

Lower value sites may contain content that is very similar to, if not the same, as content already available on more reputable sites. Sites using AI and generative writing tools without adding value for users can violate Google’s scaled content policies. Whereas content copied directly from a more reputable source violates Google’s scraped content policies.

Keep It Coherent / Engaging

Higher quality sites focus on a defined subject, whereas lower quality sites contain articles spanning a broad range of topics. Sites without coherent content violate Google’s scraped content policies. Also ensure content flows naturally for readers. Lower quality sites contain text that reads unnatural with excessive use of keywords, often to manipulate rankings, thus violating Google’s keyword stuffing policies.

Thin Content

If your site is not ready for monetization due to thin content, you will need to review the suggestions below to ensure your site meets our minimum content requirements.

Note: The following does not apply to tool sites, which are not required to have a blog component.

Ensure your site has more than 15 articles

To get your site ready for monetization, ensure that you have written and posted more than 15 articles of sufficient quality. The content in these articles must follow our quality guidelines.

Ensure that your articles are more than 500 words

If your site has articles that are 500 words or less, your site is not ready for monetization. Generally, it’s best practice to write articles of around 800 - 1,000 words if you are looking to optimize your content for SEO.

Your articles cannot consist solely of images

If your articles are made up solely of images, your site is not ready for monetization. You will need to add a substantial amount of high quality written content to accompany the images in the articles.

When trying to overturn your thin content denial, please keep in mind that adding more content does not necessarily mean you will be approved, the content must remain coherent and of high quality. If you are using AI tools to generate content for your site, make sure that you are reviewing the content carefully and that it meets the requirements laid out here.

Prohibited Articles

If your site is not ready for Ezoic monetization due to prohibited articles, you will need to audit your content and assure it adheres to all of the following requirements.

Ensure your content is adhering to a single niche

Sites not ready for monetization can contain a small number of articles which fall outside of the website’s niche, often to try and manipulate rankings, violating Google’s site reputation policies.

Ensure your site does not contain spammy redirects

Sites are not ready for monetization if they contain spammy redirects. Such sites violate Google’s sneaky redirect, hacked content and malicious behaviors policies. These may either pop up and prevent users accessing content, immediately direct the user away from your website to another website, open an unrelated website in a new tab, or automatically start a download on the user’s device. In some cases, the redirects may originate from ad services that you used previously. Sites ready for monetization will need to remove third-party code which can cause users to engage with spammy redirects.

Ensure your site does not contain download links

Sites are not ready for monetization if they contain a limited number of articles which contain downloadable content. In this case, you will need to remove either the downloadable materials from the articles or remove the articles containing downloadable materials entirely.

Prohibited Sites

If your site includes mostly content that cannot be monetized, we will not be able to approve it for monetization at all.

This includes, but is not limited to, any of the following categories:

- Copyrighted material or downloads
- E-commerce sites without a blog or informational content
- Corporate sites
- Video or Image sites with limited textual content
- Unoriginal tool sites
- Counterfeit goods
- Keyword stuffing
- Adult or sexually explicit content
- Dangerous or derogatory content
- Illegal content

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