Ezoic Position on Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Ezoic Position on Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Last Updated over a week ago
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Tips and Best Practices


In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent international sanctions, Ezoic has made significant changes to its operations concerning publishers and visitors based in Russia. This article aims to provide detailed information about Ezoic's stance and the actions taken due to these geopolitical developments. 

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and resulting international sanctions, effective March 8, 2022, Ezoic is no longer able to pay publishers based in Russia. Additionally, Google no longer shows ads in Russia, and Ezoic will no longer show any paid ads to Russian visitors.

Tips and Best Practices

For publishers who may be impacted by the sanctions against Russia, here are some best practices and tips to navigate the changes:

  1. Geographic Targeting Adjustment: Consider adjusting your geographic targeting settings to focus on regions where ads are still being served. This can help mitigate the loss of revenue from Russian traffic.
  2. Content Diversification: Expand your content to appeal to a broader audience. By attracting visitors from various regions, you can reduce the impact of losing the Russian segment of your audience.
  3. Alternative Monetization: Explore alternative monetization strategies, such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or membership models, to diversify your revenue streams.
  4. Compliance Monitoring: Stay updated with international sanctions and compliance requirements. Regularly check for updates to ensure your practices align with current regulations.
  5. Communication with Users: Inform your audience about the changes and provide them with alternative ways to support your site, such as direct donations or non-monetized engagement.
  6. Analytics Review: Frequently review your analytics to understand how these changes are affecting your traffic and revenue. This can help you make informed decisions and adapt your strategy accordingly.

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