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Getting Started with NicheIQ

Modified on: Sun, 23 Jun, 2024

What is NicheIQ?

NicheIQ is a specialized suite of SEO tools that assists your website and pages to perform better and smarter in search engines and for your visitors, while also providing the means for growing your content strategy without having to perform cumbersome tasks such as keyword research, competitor analysis, and other topic investigative work.

NicheIQ currently offers the following tools:

  • Tag Tester
  • Topic Suggestions
  • Broken Links

How will I benefit from using NicheIQ?

NicheIQ is a packaged solution that offers valuable SEO tools you need to help your site stay healthy, drive people to your content, and feel empowered knowing new content topics are worth your time.

Each NicheIQ tool has functionality that helps your performance, authority, and results.

  • Tag Tester helps identify the best performing title which is a primary piece of information people use to decide which search result to click on.
  • Topic Suggestions helps curate fresh content ideas to write about to build quality, original content that is based on automated analysis and research that results in both increasing organic traffic and having higher search ranking.
  • Broken Links ensures you have web pages and content that are discoverable and take visitors to the content they were seeking.

By using NicheIQ, it’ll feel like you’ve got an SEO wizard there helping you fulfill strategy goals, drive traffic, and ultimately give your visitors a top-notch experience.

How do I get access to NicheIQ?

Currently, NicheIQ is only available with an Ezoic account. If you have an Ezoic account, login to your dashboard and click “NicheIQ” from the top navigation bar. When first on the NicheIQ page, click “Turn On” to gain access, then from the left menu, navigate to the feature(s) you want to enable. Some features require 24 hours or up to 4 days to collect data, so check back later on those sections.


How do I set up Google Search Console to use NicheIQ to its fullest potential?

NicheIQ’s Topic Suggestions will work best when you have authorized your Google Search Console so that we have the best information available to optimize the suggested topics specifically for your domain.

From the Settings menu, click “Authorize” to link your Google Search Console to our analytics system.


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