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How Can I View The Old (Non-Ezoic) Version Of My Site?

Modified on: Sat, 10 Feb, 2024

The 'View Old Site' option offers a simple way to view old and Ezoic versions of your site, for comparative and testing purposes.

To access this setting, navigate to the EzoicAds app in your Ezoic Dashboard and select 'Optimization Goals' from the left-hand side. Here, you will be able to see the 'View Old Site' tab, where you can turn on this option:


When turned on, you can select View Old Site to set a cookie on your local browser, allowing you to only view the original version of your site. This will ensure that your browser always shows the original version of the site.


Additionally, you can select View Optimized Site to set a cookie on your local browser, allowing you to only view an optimized, Ezoic version of your site. 

If you wish to switch back to the original site, simply follow the same steps and select View Old Site instead. This will set a cookie on your browser to ensure that you always see the original site.

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