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Levels Newsfeed

Modified on: Tue, 11 Apr, 2023


The Levels Newsfeed is your way to stay up to date with all of the latest and greatest updates happening at Ezoic. What better way to stay up to date on everything happening at Ezoic than in your own personalized feed?

How do I access my Levels Newsfeed?

As the name suggests, it will live in your Levels dashboard. Once a notification has been delivered, you will see an envelope with a flashing red dot on your Levels Navigation tab on the home dashboard:


When you hover over the icon, a drop-down menu will show, indicating how many unread messages you have (e.g. You have 1 new message):


By clicking on this, you will be automatically taken to your Levels dashboard where your messages will be displayed in a "feed" format:


General information

You have the ability to filter the messages you see in your feed by clicking on the Message Type dropdown menu. Here, you can choose any of the existing filters: Select All, My PSM, Video, Liked, News, and Bookmarked. You can also select a timeframe of your choice and see all of the latest notifications that way:


Each message is color coded to easily differentiate between who the messages are coming from. The lighter green tab = News (blog content, marketing news, etc), blue tab = direct message from your PSM, purple tab = Publisher Recognition team (e.g. badges, milestones and highlights), and the darker green tab = general Ezoic (e.g. when none of the other filters apply)





Additional functionality

: For general news messages, click on the thumbs-up icon to “Like” a message. All "Liked" messages will be shown when the "Like" filter is chosen:


Bookmark: You will also have the ability to bookmark messages by clicking on the “Save” button. You will know this is successfully bookmarked because the button will change to solid green:


After hitting save:


This is a great option if you want to quickly reference a great piece of information at a later time - no time wasted digging through all of your notifications.

Social media sharing: Publishers will also have the ability to share a message directly to their social profiles from within the Newsfeed:



General note: The Levels Newsfeed will automatically pull in the most recent news as well as any direct messages from your assigned representative. Please note that you will not have the ability to respond or “reply” back as this is a dynamic one-way news system. If you have questions or concerns on anything that you’ve read, feel free to reach out to your dedicated Publisher Success Manager. Happy reading!

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