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What is the Cloudflare App?

Modified on: Sat, 20 Apr, 2024

Please note that this article discusses the installation of the Cloudflare app for users who are using our name server integration. If you are already a Cloudflare customer and your name servers are pointed to Cloudflare, you should read this article instead.

What is Cloudflare?

Cloudflare is a popular and reliable content delivery network (CDN) that automatically optimizes the delivery of web pages to provide the fastest page load times for visitors. In addition to improving website performance, Cloudflare also blocks threats from bots and crawlers, ensuring the security of your website.

Installing the Cloudflare App

By installing the Cloudflare app, we can use their platform to serve your site, improving load times and overall performance. To activate the app, simply go to your dashboard, then navigate to settings, connections, and select Cloudflare. From there, click on the 'activate' button.

You can also search for "Cloudflare" within your dashboard.


You can uninstall the app at any time and we will revert to Cloudfront, Amazon's CDN. 

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