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Why Does My Site Look Different?

Modified on: Mon, 21 Nov, 2022

Why does my site look different?

You may be asking this question if you have began using Ezoic's Layout Tester. The Layout Tester tool alters the appearance of your website to determine what works best. We will try a wide variety of options at various times, including different looks-and-feels, menus, logos, colors, layouts, widths, etc. We then measure the response of your visitors to determine which one they like the best.

Does my site look the same for everyone? 

It is important to remember that tastes vary widely for person to person. Something that you may not find appealing may work the best for your users. It is also important to remember that we will test a large number of experimental layouts on your site. What you see may not be what others are seeing and may not be what ultimately ends up being your visitors' favorite. 

We ask that you be patient and let the optimization system take the subjectivity out of design and objectively decide what works best.

Further information

For more information on the Layout Tester tool and Ezoic see the links below:

What Is Layout Tester?

Differences Between Ezoic Ad Tester and Layout Tester Optimization

Why Join Ezoic?

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