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How do I connect Borlabs Cookie with Ezoic?

Modified on: Fri, 12 Apr, 2024

Borlabs Cookie is one of the most popular GDPR opt-in cookie consent solutions out there. You can easily connect Borlabs Cookie with Ezoic by following those three steps: 

1. Latest Borlabs version installed (2.2.6 or newer)

2. Add the Ezoic cookies to your Borlabs setup: https://borlabs.io/kb/ezoic/

3. Enable the "Third Party Consent Management" option in the Ezoic Dashboard (under 'Security' > 'Privacy')


Using Borlabs & Leap 

Leap is designed to work flawlessly with the Borlabs CMP. There is only one thing to watch out for

- When using leap Script Delay, the "Load jQuery from CDN" must be activated: 


Borlabs is using the full jQuery libary and  must not be delayed. This feature ensures that jQuery is not delayed when script delay is active. 

Once you have set the "load jQuery from CDN" up, you can remove the compatibility warning in your dashboard: 


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