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How to use the Humix plugin?

Modified on: Thu, 30 May, 2024

Using the Humix WordPress plugin allows you to input your own videos or videos from the Humix network directly onto your websites; This can all be easily managed and applied from within your WordPress. We will outline the different ways you can input videos through the WordPress plugin!

Humix URL:

You can quickly and easily add videos by Humix URLs. You can complete this in two different ways:

Visit Humix.com if you don’t already have videos. Scroll through the network or search for the video (or playlist) of your choosing. Click on the video and select Share:


From here, you will select Copy as this will copy the Humix video link for you:


Log into your WordPress dashboard > Posts and select the Post you want your video to display on. Next, find the location on the post where you want to place the video. Since you have already copied the Humix URL, you will simply Control + V (for Windows), Command + V (for Mac), or right-click + Paste directly onto the spot on the post where you want the video to show up. And you’re done! Be sure the video is showing the way you intended and make adjustments as needed.


Humix Embed Code:

You can use an existing Humix video URL from your Content section and display it directly on your post. Visit your Humix dashboard > Content > find the video (or playlist) of your choice and click on the copy embed code icon:


Go ahead and click on the blue Copy button to copy the URL:


Then follow the same steps from the Humix URL section above. 

WordPress plugin: Adding Videos with Auto-Select

If you have the plugin installed and ready to go, you're ready to start putting videos on your posts. Here’s how videos can be placed across your posts through Auto-Select:

Log into your WordPress account and visit your Posts tab. Select Edit on any existing post where you would like to add videos.

Select the desired location on your post where you want to input a video and then Add Block > and search Humix Block:


The Humix block editor will display and give you two options to input videos onto your site: Auto Select and Use Humix Link. In this example, we will review the Auto-Select option first.

Auto Select:
This allows Humix to systematically and automatically input videos on your site relative to your page content.

  • Match video by page topic: As the name suggests, Humix will detect the page’s content and serve a relevant video that matches your page’s topic.
  • Match video by category: You can choose up to 3 categories to support how videos get matched up to your written content.
  • Video Playback Settings: Float and Auto Play are enabled by default for video optimization purposes, however, you can adjust as needed at this time.

If you only want the single video inserted onto your page in that specified location, you will click on Done. If you’re looking to apply the same video template across other posts, select Done & Add to Other Posts

For publishers that have categorized their sites within WordPress, you will see a dropdown menu where all of your existing categories will live. This makes it easy to apply your Humix videos across an entire category of your site versus setting them up one by one:


You can specify the location in the post to add your videos to as well. For example, you want to assign “Under the 1st paragraph"


If there are existing Humix videos on your post already, you can:

1. Skip adding this video
2. Remove existing videos and add this one
3. Add this video without affecting other videos

Click Add Posts and you’re done! We recommend previewing and saving your changes before publishing to your site. This will give you an opportunity to ensure the video displays exactly how you want.


WordPress plugin: Adding Videos with Use Humix Link

The secondary option is to Use Humix Link, which gives you the ability to copy and paste any Humix link of your choosing directly into your posts.

Visit Humix.com and select the video you’d like to add to your post. You can even search for videos across the Humix network as well.

Once you have chosen your video, click on the Share icon on the bottom and click the Copy button to copy the URL link:

image image

Revisit your Post in WordPress and in the box, paste the Humix URL:


Similar to the Auto Select option, you can click Done if you’re finished with adding this specific video on this one post. You can share the same video across other posts and categories by selecting Done & Add to Other Posts.

You will have the same options to add this video to specific categories, locations on the post as well as adjust the settings as needed if there are existing Humix videos on that post.

Click Add to Posts and you’re done! We recommend previewing and saving your changes before publishing to your site. This will give you an opportunity to ensure the video displays exactly how you want.


Note: The same process goes for playlists as well - You can copy the link of playlists when choosing from within the Humix network or when using your own playlists. The Auto Select and Use Humix Link options have the same settings available to you.

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