Tips For Publishers On Premium

Tips For Publishers On Premium

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Welcome to our guide on Ezoic Premium, an exclusive, invite-only program designed to enhance the monetization and performance of your publishing efforts. In this article, we will provide you with detailed insights and tips on how to maximize the benefits of Ezoic Premium. You'll learn about adding default cards, managing failed payments, understanding plan levels and tiers, changing plans, and tracking your Premium earnings. Our goal is to ensure you have all the information you need to make the most of this premium service. Let's dive in and explore how Ezoic Premium can elevate your publishing experience.


Ezoic Premium is an exclusive, invite-only subscription service designed to enhance monetization for publishers. Publishers in the Premium program gain access to advanced features, timely reporting, API access, and expert advice. This program is intended for publishers who have been with Ezoic for an extended period and meet specific quality criteria.

Key Features

  1. Monetization Benefits: Premium publishers typically see significant increases in revenue, often surpassing the cost of the subscription. This is facilitated by advanced monetization strategies and premium ad partners.
  2. Advanced Features: Subscribers receive access to more sophisticated tools and features that are not available in the standard Ezoic platform.
  3. API Access: Publishers in the premium program also gain access to the Ezoic API, allowing for more customized and automated workflows.
  4. Timely Reporting: More frequent and detailed reporting is available, enabling premium publishers to make more informed decisions quickly.
  5. Expert Advice: Premium users can receive expert advice tailored to their needs to help maximize their site’s performance and revenue.

Subscription Details

  • Commitment: A subscription to Ezoic Premium requires a commitment from the publisher. However, it is structured to ensure that publishers will not lose money, as upgrades to higher tiers are only allowed when beneficial.
  • Tier System: There are multiple tiers in the Premium program to facilitate smooth transitions between different levels. Publishers are notified when they are eligible to move to a higher tier.
  • Plan Levels: The plan level is determined by the publisher’s Ezoic Ad Partner revenue over the last 30 days, excluding Premium Ad Partner revenue.

Payment and Plan Changes

  • Failed Payments: In case of a failed payment, steps are provided to retry the payment via the Premium Dashboard. Publishers are advised to check for sufficient funds and contact their card issuer if issues persist.
  • Plan Modifications: Publishers can switch between monthly, annual, or multi-year plans. Multi-year plans offer the best return on investment.
  • Tier Adjustments: If a publisher’s traffic or earnings decrease consistently, resulting in falling below their plan’s monthly revenue quota, they will be automatically moved to a lower tier. This ensures publishers are not overpaying for the service.

Additional Information

  • Revenue Tracking: Premium earnings are separate from Ezoic Ad Partner Earnings and can be viewed in multiple sections of the Ezoic and Premium Dashboards.
  • Premium Reviews: Publishers in higher tiers can book quarterly or monthly premium site reviews with the Ezoic team to optimize their site's performance.

For more detailed information and FAQs, publishers are encouraged to visit the Premium FAQ section within their Premium Dashboard.

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Regularly Monitor Your Earnings and Performance:

    Keep an eye on your earnings and performance through the Premium Dashboard and other available reports. This will help you make informed decisions about plan changes and understand the impact of Premium on your overall revenue.

  2. Optimize Card Information:

    Ensure that your card information is up to date to avoid failed payments. If a payment fails, check for sufficient funds, card limits, and setup for international payments.

  3. Leverage Premium Tiers:

    Understand the different tiers and how they affect your revenue. Utilize the lower buy-in when starting and be prepared to move to higher tiers when beneficial.

  4. Keep Track of Plan Level Determinants:

    Your plan level is based on your last 30 days of Ezoic Ad Partner revenue. Make sure to maintain consistent traffic and earnings to stay in your desired tier.

  5. Utilize Annual Contracts:

    If possible, consider switching from a monthly to an annual contract for better ROI. You can do this at any time through your Premium Dashboard.

  6. Use the 'Schedule Site Review' Option:

    If you are on the 'Preferred' or 'Elite' tiers, take advantage of the site review option to get expert advice and improve your site's performance.

  7. Stay Updated:

    Make sure to frequently check the FAQs and other resources in your Premium Dashboard for any updates or new features that can help optimize your usage and earnings.

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