Ezoic's platform offers the ability to monetize websites without requiring an AdSense account. However, adherence to both Ezoic's and Google's ad policies is mandatory. For sites without an AdSense account, the Ezoic quality review team may request additional information. This could involve inquiries about whether the site has applied for AdSense, possesses another AdSense account, or can provide read-only access to Google Analytics.
For sites with an existing AdSense account that is compliant with Google policies, these accounts can still be subject to Ezoic's ad policy review before being approved for Ezoic Monetization features.
If you wish to use both AdSense and Ezoic together, you can link your existing AdSense account to Ezoic by navigating to the Ezoic Ads tab > Ad Integration > Link Your Adsense Account.

After linking, you should enable Mediation in the Mediation module. This integration allows Ezoic to optimize ad serving and revenue generation, using both Ezoic and AdSense ads. While Ezoic will report earnings generated from your AdSense account in its dashboard, the earnings from AdSense alone will be paid out via your AdSense account, while earnings from Ezoic and its partners will be paid out through Ezoic.