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Do I need an Adsense account to use Ezoic?

Modified on: Fri, 21 Jun, 2024

Signing up for Ezoic does not require an AdSense account. However, if a site is not using AdSense, it must still adhere to Ezoic's ad policies and Google's ad policies.

Can I use Ezoic if my AdSense account has been disabled?

If a site has a banned or penalized AdSense account, it is unlikely that Ezoic will be able to approve the site for using Monetization until the penalty is removed.

If a site does not have an AdSense account before signing up for Ezoic, the quality review team may request additional information. This may include asking if the site has applied for AdSense, has another AdSense account, or can provide Google Analytics read-only access.

Sites with existing AdSense accounts that are in good standing with Google policy may still be subject to review of Ezoic's ad policies before being approved for Ezoic Monetization features.

Can I use AdSense and Ezoic together?

To connect an existing AdSense account and enable Ezoic Monetization features, navigate to the Ezoic Ads tab > Ad Integration > Link Your Adsense Account. Then, turn on Mediation in the Mediation module directly below.


This allows Ezoic to include your existing AdSense account in ad optimization and ad serving, increasing overall revenue and allowing your current AdSense account to remain active and accrue revenue. Ezoic will report any ad earnings generated from your current AdSense account in Ezoic, but ad earnings from AdSense alone will still be paid out via your current AdSense account. All ad earnings from Ezoic and Ezoic partners will be paid out via Ezoic.

You can read more about how mediation works in this article.

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