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Understanding Ezoic - About SEO

Modified on: Thu, 16 Jun, 2022

Ezoic is not an SEO company and so responsibility for traffic rankings stays with each site owner. That said, we want to help in any way we can, and testing layout can have a positive effect on your search engine profile. You know your content better than anyone. Ezoic can help you make the most of what you have built.

This is how we think Ezoic helps:

  • Mobile-enabled sites gain more mobile traffic. Google and other search engines have suggested that enabling mobile and tablet functionality for mobile and tablet will boost your mobile rankings. Ezoic does this automatically.
  • UX / User experience. Time and again, Google cites user experience (ux) as a key factor in their algorithm. Our system actually defines UX as better time on site, lower bounce rate and increased page views per user, and we think that improving user experience and improving ad placement, means a genuine win/win for publishers and users.
  • Reducing load times (we use Amazon cloud to serve the sites around the world, use code compression, etc. to improve latency, etc.) - faster sites get more traffic.

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