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What is the Expanded Article Feature

Modified on: Wed, 28 Jun, 2023


The Ezoic Expanded Article feature, also known as the Read More or Show More button, offers you an option to enhance your content presentation. This feature allows you to prevent users from scrolling past a specific point on the page by locking the remaining content behind an "Expand To Show Full Article" button. When the button is pressed, a vignette ad is displayed, and the rest of the page is unlocked.


Similar features can be observed on other popular sites too, but Ezoic's version of the button is compatible with any type of content on pages, not limited to text articles.

How do I enable the Expanded Article Feature

By default, the Expanded Article feature is turned off. However,you can easily activate the button by accessing the new Expanded Article Ads tab within the Ad Types section of the Ad Positions settings. 


You have the option to customize the text displayed on the button, allowing for translations or a different wording.
The default text on the button is "Expand To Show Full Article." 


To utilize the Expanded Article feature, vignette ads need to be enabled. This ensures the ad is displayed when the button is pressed, contributing to revenue generation.


Restrict the Expanded Article Feature

You have the ability to disable the Expand Article button for specific pages through the Ezoic Dashboard. To do so, follow the steps below.

Please note that the Expanded Article button will not show on the homepage by default.

Go to EzoicAds > Ad Restrictions > Ad Restrictions and Add a new ruleset.


Toggle "Expanded Article Ads" to Off.


Choose "Site URL" as the rule type.


Select "contains" as the pattern type.


Provide the page name as the rule item.


The Expanded Article feature has proven to be highly successful, increasing revenue for various sites. 

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