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Change Name Servers at SiteSell

Modified on: Mon, 28 Nov, 2022

Changing the name servers at SiteSell takes a little longer than usual to do, but it's still quite easy.

1. The first step is to login to manage your domain.  You login here:*

* NOTE - Your Username and Password to manage your domain are different than the rest of SiteSell. You can find the details in your SBI! Mail email that you received when you signed up in the P.P.S. section.


2.  Click on the name servers link in the menu as shown here:


3.  Enter the custom name servers generated for you by Ezoic (these can be found under 'Settings' > 'Site Integration' > 'Name Servers' > 'View Instructions' in your Ezoic Dashboard). If you receive a message stating that you must "unlock for domain" or similar, then we must do that first.  To do that, continue to step 4. Otherwise, please skip to step 7.


4.  Email SiteSell Support.


Visit the contact support page at: --- in the message, ask them to "unlock the domain:" -- replacing with the domain that you are doing this for.  They also want you to include the last 7 digits of the credit card that you pay for sitesell with and your IP address.  You can get your IP address here:

So, your complete request should look like this (replacing with your own information obviously):


"Hello, please unlock my domain

The last 7 digits of my credit card are: 1234567

My IP Address is:"


5.  Within a day, SiteSell should get back to you stating that they have unlocked the domain or requesting more information.  if they ask for more information, provide it and they should unlock the domain.  PLEASE NOTE that they will state that the SiteSell functionality will not work if you change your name servers -- this is not true -- everything will continue to work once you switch to Ezoic AND you'll get the benefit of Ezoic's optimization and SiteSell's great building platform.


6.  Once the domain is unlocked, go to back to step 1 and try again. You should now be able to enter the custom name servers generated for you by Ezoic.

7. Please allow up to 48 hours for all changes to take full effect.   


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