If you encounter issues while managing your DNS records at Ezoic, here are some common problems and their solutions:
- DNS Records Not Matching:
- Issue: Your DNS records at Ezoic are not matching those at your hosting company.
- Solution: Ensure that the DNS records in your Ezoic dashboard (Dashboard > Settings > DNS Settings) match exactly with the records at your current hosting company. This includes CNAME, A, @, and www records. Make sure to regularly update these records whenever there are changes at your host.
- Website Down After Switching Hosting Companies:
- Issue: Your website is down after changing your hosting service provider.
- Solution: Update the full list of your DNS records in your Ezoic Dashboard with the new IP address of your hosting provider. Inform Ezoic support about the switch to help mitigate any issues during the transition.
- Subdomain Not Working:
- Issue: The newly added subdomain is not functioning.
- Solution: Follow the correct procedures to add the subdomain within your DNS Settings by entering the correct subdomain record information. Ensure that the DNS records for the subdomain are accurately entered and saved.
- Changes Not Propagating with Cloudflare Integration:
- Issue: DNS changes are not propagating when integrated via Cloudflare.
- Solution: Make sure to update the DNS records within the Ezoic Dashboard first, as Ezoic acts as the main proxy. Changes made directly at Cloudflare will be overwritten by Ezoic.
By ensuring that your DNS records are accurately entered and consistently updated across Ezoic and your hosting provider, you can avoid many common issues. If problems persist, consider reaching out to Ezoic support for further assistance.