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Modified on: Mon, 2 Oct, 2023

How To View Your Ad Partner Earnings

If you wish to review your earnings with Ezoic, this article will show you where to go in your dashboard and the different options you can select to get all of the information you need. We also recommend that you check out this interactive article for additional insights into how you can improve your EPMV.

1. If you go to your Ezoic dashboard home page you will see an 'Ad Partner Estimated Earnings' section. This section gives you an overview of your earnings in the last 7 days. It is worth noting that earnings for each day are not finalized until midday PST the following day, so you can expect some fluctuation in this overview as the reports finalize.To the right of this overview you are able to click 'view earnings report'. The earnings section will give you detailed reporting which you are able to separate by device and the dates you want to track.



2. At the top of the page you'll notice a graph that tracks daily earnings and EPMV which are interchangeable. You are able to specify whether you wish to view daily or monthly earnings, EPMV or Ad Partner earnings and the device type.You can also specify the date range for the earnings report by clicking on the calendar where the options are: 

  • Yesterday 
  • Last 7 days 
  • Last 30 days 
  • This Month 
  • Last Month 

Or you can select a specific date range by clicking on the actual date and specifying the range in the calendar.



3. Below the graph, there are two tables with 7 columns, one for total estimated earnings and one for details.The columns include:

  • Visits 
  • Ezoic Ad Partners
  • Mediation Ad Partners
  • Premium Ad Partners (for premium Ezoic members)
  • Earnings 
  • EPMV

In the top table you can view your average earnings and total earnings for the year. In the bottom table you can view the details of these earnings such as the specific date:


Further information:

Ezoic Payments 

What Is EPMV?

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