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How Can I Report A Bad Ad To Ezoic?

Modified on: Thu, 11 Jan, 2024

"Bad ads" - particularly mobile redirect ads - are an industry wide problem and have the potential to affect any site which is benefiting from displaying ad inventory. Some of the biggest media groups around - for example The Atlantic and The New York Times - have experienced these types of ads recently: https://www.wired.com/story/pop-up-mobile-ads-surge-as-sites-scramble-to-stop-them/

Typically these ads only affect 0.1% of traffic and come in short bursts. Fortunately, Ezoic's technology has a robust way to prevent these ads, and when an individual ad provider is highlighted we can block it from accessing not just your site but any site using our tools. Our Ad Ops team is continually working on preventing (and hopefully soon, eliminating) these ads from the system. 

If you see a bad ad on your website, please try to grab the Ad URL where possible (right click and inspect code), and the URL of your site you were on at the time, and send this to us by opening a new Support ticket below so that our Ad Ops team can report the ad provider in question and block them from accessing any site on the Ezoic platform.

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