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How do I set up or troubleshoot Ezoic Leap?

Modified on: Thu, 15 Feb, 2024

Basic Ezoic Leap Answers and Overviews

Below, we'll include all the current tutorials and information necessary to better understand Ezoic Leap. This includes:

  1. A simple setup and configuration walk-through
  2. Troubleshooting images, broken functionality, or display issues
  3. Live performance testing showcasing Leap vs. WordPress plugins
  4. How to troubleshoot Google Analytics reporting issues
  5. How to troubleshoot menu issues when Leap is active

1.) Walk-through of basic self-setup in Leap

2.) Troubleshooting Optimization Settings and Broken Site Functions

In the video below, we walk through setting up Ezoic Leap on a WordPress website using common best practices. We highlight some of the plugins and features that need to be disabled before using Leap and show which features may need advanced settings adjustments to work properly on your WordPress website.

The video covers...

- How to turn off common WordPress conflicts
- Troubleshooting broken images
- Troubleshooting issues with menus or other elements
- Fixing fonts, search boxes, and more
- Fixing pages that display improperly

If you fast forward to 11:00 we go through a very simple "conservative" Leap settings configuration that won't be near as fast as our default settings but is VERY unlikely to have any conflicts with plugins or themes.

3.) Leap Performance Tested vs. WordPress Plugins (2x as fast!)

4.) Troubleshooting Google Analytics Under-Reporting Issues


5.) Troubleshooting Menu Display or Delay Errors in Leap beta


More resources coming...

As the Leap tool evolves and progresses, some of these resources may be redistributed to provide better and more comprehensive answers.

Additionally, if you experience an issue or error with any of the items above and need to troubleshoot, please let our staff know so we can prevent the need for this on sites like yours in the future.

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