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Understanding Ezoic - Introduction to Layout Tester

Geändert am: Tue, 18 Jun, 2024

1. Ezoic provides your users with new layouts of your site’s existing content.

Each new layout is measured to see how it affects user experience over time. The platform also improves ad position on each page to increase ad revenue.

The Ezoic system automatically generates mobile and tablet versions of your site.

None of your content will change - just it's location on the page.

2. Understanding Ezoic - Testing - More detail


How the testing works

Ezoic indexes your content just like a browser. This means that your original code is untouched and there is no need for any time-consuming technical integration.

You set the parameters of success and by measuring the results of each experiment, the system starts to promote 'winning' layouts, leading to more income and improved user experience metrics.  

Testing and improving your layout typically increases revenue significantly, making our service effectively pay for itself.

Multivariate Testing

Ezoic is a website improvement platform that includes the ability to test and improve using multivariate testing.  

Multivariate testing is when you test multiple versions against each other at the same time. Typically, that means testing ‘the new’ against ‘the old’. In this case, many new site layouts are being tested against your old layout, to see which your visitors prefer.

Testing might mean changing the menu, page columns, colors, fonts and hundreds of other things that might be getting in the way of your users enjoying and accessing the content.

Instead of having to build your own experiments, the Ezoic system does it all for you and automatically creates test layouts, adjusts them and improves them in response to your users' behavior. The platform does this simultaneously on desktop, mobile and tablet and reports back on visitor behavior for each experiment.

Winning layouts get more traffic, which means overall improvement adding to your bottom line (more revenue) as well as a lift in user experience metrics. You get to set your goals for your testing program yourself, and the system promotes the layouts that achieve those metrics. You can choose user experience focus, revenue focus, or a mixture of both, which is 'balanced').

Your original site & code are never ever changed by the Ezoic process.

Saving you time

By taking care of layouts, page size coding, ad networks and server loading and balancing, Ezoic publishers are free to have more time to focus on building content. No technical knowledge is required to use the system.  

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