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What is an Ad Restrictions Ruleset?

Modified on: Tue, 18 Jun, 2024

The Ad Restrictions app allows you to place limits on the number and type of ads that are shown on a landing page or user session based on referral source simply by creating a 'ruleset'.

In your Ezoic dashboard navigate to 'EzoicAds' > 'Ad Restrictions' > 'Ad Restriction Rulesets' (you may need to scroll down):

image image

Rules will allow different ad combinations to be shown, either on the landing page or across the whole user session. The App tracks the traffic referral source, applies the rules you create, and restricts the number and type of ads accordingly.

So, for example, if you are running a campaign on Facebook, you can generate a rule based on your Facebook campaign UTM. In this case, the ads will be restricted to traffic arriving at the page from Facebook, but will not restrict ads for users arriving from other social, organic, or direct traffic sources.

Creating a Ruleset

To create a ruleset, go to "Ad Restrictions Rulesets" within "Ad Restrictions" and click the green + button. You'll then see the option to create a new ad restriction rule. You can select the rule type and pattern type, and enter a value for each. 

For example, if you wanted to restrict ads when the visitor came from Facebook, you would enter:

Rule Type: Referrer
Pattern Type: contains
Rule Value: facebook.com


Then click "create rule".

After that, you can give the Ruleset a name of your choosing and select the restrictions that should be applied:


Here, you can also select whether to apply the rule to a landing page (the first page the visitor arrives on) or for the entire user session (everywhere the visitor goes on your site after arriving from Facebook in this example). 

When you're ready, select "Create Ruleset".

Editing a Ruleset

Once you've created your rule you'll see it listed in the Ad Restrictions Ruleset app. To make changes to an existing ruleset, select "edit rule" under the settings button.


This will take you back to the ad restrictions rulesets page where you can edit your restrictions, for example increasing or decreasing the display ads limit.

You can also go to "manage rules" which will allow you to add other conditions for when the ruleset should be applied.

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