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How does Ezoic Caching App work?

Modified on: Fri, 9 Feb, 2024

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What is Caching?

Where Can I Access the Caching App in My Ezoic Dashboard?

How Do I Turn On the Caching App?

How Long Does the Caching App Cache my Pages for?

How Do I Manually Force the System to Clear the Cache?

How Can I Exclude a Specific Page or Directory from Being Cached by Ezoic?

Can I Use Cloudflare Caching while using Ezoic Caching?

What If I Am seeing a Cache “Miss” in Big Data Analytics?

How Can I Create a Rule to Set the Maximum Amount of Times That Ezoic Will Cache a Page or Directory? (Layout Tester Sites Only)

How Can I Clear the Cache for a Page Using Layout Tester?

What is Caching?

Caching means that content is going to be stored somewhere so that it’s easily accessible and doesn’t have to make an external call back to the origin. This reduces the time for a visitor to access data on a website which in turn, improves your site speed.

Where Can I Access the Caching App in My Ezoic Dashboard?

The Caching app can be found in your Dashboard under the "Leap" tab: 


How Do I Turn On the Caching App?

Go to the app in your Dashboard and toggle the off/on switch to “on”: 


* Please note that AMP pages do not get cached by our caching app

How Long Does the Caching App Cache my Pages for?


Our caching app will automatically respect whatever maximum age cache headers you have set up on your origin server end. However, if there is no maximum age specified in the cache headers, we will set a default 30 days caching age. This means that your pages will be stored for 30 days before it updates again. 

You can always change this default caching age by clicking “Update Cache Settings Values” and setting the number of seconds under Default Cache Age (we have a minimum of 3600 seconds = 1 hour that must be set) then click “Update Domain Setting Values:

At the bottom of the Leap page, you can edit your settings here. You will click on edit next to the setting you want to change and it will bring up your next fields to update. Fill in the new setting and click save.


How Do I Manually Force the System to Clear the Cache?

For Entire Site:

All you need to do to clear Ezoic’s cache for your entire site is click “Clear Cache” within the app:


For Single URL:

You can clear the Ezoic cache for single URLs by entering in the URL here and clicking “Clear For URL”:


What Are Surrogate Keys?

Surrogate keys are a way for us to track pages that you can use to clear the cache. This is a http header that you can add to any of your pages. We can then clear it by giving it the key.

For example, a surrogate key header would look like so:

Surrogate-Key: home gardening house-warming

In this case, home, gardening, and hourse-warming would be keys that we can use to clear the cache. 

There are some important things to note for surrogate keys:

Surrogate keys are case-sensitive and unique. 

For example, home and Home are different keys.

Two instances of home will be grouped into one. Ezoic will combine all Surrogate-Keys http headers on the same page into one.

For example, take these two http headers:

Surrogate-Key: home gardening and Surrogate-Key: home flowers

The keys will be home, gardening, and flowers

Surrogate keys are split by spaces in the header, if you want to have a key that is two words or more, use a dash _

How Can I Exclude a Specific Page or Directory from Being Cached by Ezoic?

You can add an exclusion rule within the app to exclude any pages, directories, URL params, or cookies from being cached by our system. For example, we always recommend that any e-commerce sites exclude their payment and checkout pages from our cache. All you need to do is: 

1. Click “Add New Exclude Rule”:


  2. Select your Rule Target:


    3. Enter in the page, directory, URL param, or cookie to be excluded: 


    4. Be sure to click “Save” when you are done!

Can I Use Cloudflare Caching while using Ezoic Caching?

You can use both Cloudflare caching and the Ezoic Caching app at the same time, as this will just give your site two layers of caching. You will just need to make sure your Cloudflare settings are set to "standard" or "aggressive" so it can be compatible with Ezoic's cache.

In terms of functionality, both caching systems work the same. However, Ezoic’s Caching App will use our CDN network while Cloudflare caching uses their own CDN network.

What If I Am seeing a Cache “Miss” in Big Data Analytics?

You can monitor your caching stats within Big Data Analytics by going to your Dashboard > Analytics tab > Site Speed side tab > Caching > Ezoic Caching. 


If you are seeing multiple cache “misses” this could mean that...

1. You have caching rules set up on your end that could be preventing our cache to hit. Here are all rules that will prevent our cache from hitting -

Cache-Control Headers:

  • No-cache
  • No-store 
  • Max-age=0
  • Private

Vary Headers:

  • Cookie
  • X-Forwarded-Proto

Expires Headers:

  • If this is set to a date in the past, (for example Expires: Sun, 21 Sep 1969 16:07:23 GMT) then we will not cache and request the source directly from the origin server

You can simply change these rules on your server end or we can override any rules set up within our caching app so that our cache will start hitting. Just reach out to your onboarding specialist or our support team and we can assist you with this!

*Please note that if you have a Vary by Cookie set, this may be important to the functionality of your site. Therefore, if we override this rule, our caching will ignore any cookies that are set for the use of changing content. 

2. You have excluded pages from Ezoic testing the the Excluded Pages App (Dashboard > Content tab):


3. You have excluded pages from caching within the caching app already: 


4. If your site is integrated with Ezoic via the Cloudflare app, check that your Cloudflare caching does not conflict with Ezoic caching. You'd want to remove any page level caching at Cloudflare and set Cloudflare caching to "standard".

5. If your site is integrated with Ezoic via the Wordpress plugin you may have an incompatible caching plugin that is caching in front of Ezoic and interfering with our system.

Examples of typically compatible plugins:

- W3 Total Cache
- WP Super Cache

Examples of typically incompatible caching plugins:

- Swift Performance Cache
- LiteSpeed Caching
- WP Fastest Cache
- AutoOptimise/AutOptimise cache
- WP-Optimize
- SG Optimizer

How Can I Create a Rule to Set the Maximum Amount of Times That Ezoic Will Cache a Page or Directory? (Only for sites actively using Layout Tester)

1. Click “Add Caching Rule”:


2. Select the Rule Target type: 


3. Enter in the page or directory that you are creating the rule for. For directories, all you need to do is enter in ‘/’ followed by the directory name (this will update the cache for every page of the site that follows the '/'). 

For example: example.com/blog.php :


4. Set the “Max Cache Time” (how often we should look for changes to this page) - Fill in the field with your desired time:


5. Once completed, be sure to click “Confirm” so the rule can be saved!

How Can I Clear the Cache for a Page Using Layout Tester?

If you want to clear the Layout Tester cache of a specific page, a quick way to do this would be to...

1. Create a rule under Layout Tester Caching (as shown in the last section) or go to the already created page rule.

2. Click the refresh symbol to clear the cache of the page: 


If you want to clear the Layout Tester cache for your entire site, please reach out to your Account Manager for assistance with this. Clearing the entire site cache while using Layout Tester can result in really slow site speed at first as the system will have to restart storing versions again.

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