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Advertiser Blocker App

Modified on: Wed, 10 Jan, 2024

Ezoic allows you to block certain advertisers from showing ads on your site. Publishers typically do this if there is a specific advertisement that they don't like, or if they would like to avoid showing a competitor's advertisement.

Log into your Ezoic dashboard and navigate to 'EzoicAds' > 'Ad Restrictions' > 'Advertisers Blocked> Click the green pen icon 


From there, you can then enter the domain name of any advertisers (clicking "Add Row" after each entry) that you wish to block from displaying inventory on your site(s):


Note that you need to enter the root domain only i.e. ezoic.com for the 'Advertiser Blocker' app to work. www.ezoic.com or https://ezoic.com will not work.

Remember to click 'Save' in order to confirm the changes you've made! 

Please note that rules added to the 'Advertiser Blocker' app do not apply to 'Mediation' partners - you will need to add rules separately for these yourself via your specific partners, such as AdSense.

In the unlikely case that you are still seeing ads from a blocked advertiser after doing all of the above, it's likely that these are coming from Exchange Bidding partners (rules added to the 'Advertiser Blocker' app do not apply to these either). Please let your Ezoic representative know if that is the case - we have the option to turn off exchange bidding altogether should you prefer, but please note that this may negatively impact your EPMV / revenue by as much as 10 - 15%.

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