1. Before you do anything else, please check that Ezoic's copy of your site's DNS records matches those at your host as per the instructions here.
2. Login to your 123 Reg control panel.
3. In the Domain names section, select the relevant domain name from the drop-down box and click on the Manage button.
4. If the domain is a top-level domain (i.e., .com/.net/.biz etc.), click on the Manage Domain Locking option. Click on the Unlock domain link and then click on the Back to Control Panel link.
5. Click on the Change Nameservers link.
6. Scroll down and enter the custom name servers provided in your Ezoic Dashboard. You can find these under Settings > Connection > Nameservers > View Instructions.
7. Click on the Change Nameservers button.
Please allow up to 48 hours for all changes to take full effect.