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Change Name Servers at

Modified on: Mon, 28 Nov, 2022

1. Login to your Control Panel

2. In the Menu, point to Settings and click Branding Settings

3. Click the Name Servers tab

4. Under the Default Name Servers for Domain Registration section, click the Edit your default Name Servers for Domain Registration link

5. Enter the custom name servers generated for you by Ezoic (these can be found under 'Settings' > 'Site Integration' > 'Name Servers' > 'View Instructions' in your Ezoic Dashboard). 

Upon modifying your domain name's Name Servers, your website would begin appearing in a web browser, after about 24 to 48 hours (provided your Web Hosting package is properly setup and you have uploaded the content of your website). This is a standard time-frame required for a process called DNS Propagation to complete Worldwide. This process is not controlled by any one ISP/company and therefore it can not be hastened.

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