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How to Turn Ezoic Ad Tester On/Off

Modified on: Sat, 15 Jun, 2024

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Turning Ad Tester On/Off

Changing the percentage of traffic to be tested

One of the great things about Ezoic is that it can be turned on and off with the click of a button. You also have the ability to adjust the percentage of traffic being tested per device.

Turning Ad Tester On/Off:

First, make sure that the Ad Tester App is 'on'. To check, go into the Ad Tester app which can found under the EzoicAds tab. From there, click on Turn On/Off Settings where you can select which devices you want to run through the Ad Tester:



You can also enable/disable the AI placeholder function from here (when switched on this allows Ad Tester to automatically detect and test additional ad locations) as well as a number of other types of ads.  If making any changes please remember to click save:


Changing the percentage of traffic to be tested:

By default, the percentage of traffic that is tested is 100% meaning 100% of the traffic visiting your site sees the Ezoic version. This means you can benefit from Ezoic as fast as possible.

If you would like to change this, on the EzoicAds tab go to Split Testing 


From here you can use the slider to select the percentage of traffic for each device that you want to send to Ezoic versions:


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