1. Changes to content not being reflected on site:
- Issue: Users may notice that updates to their site content are not appearing immediately after being made.
- Solution:
1. This is expected behaviour when using any caching. You can however use the 'Clear All' function under Leap > Caching to force an update if significant changes to content have been made across multiple URLs. This will ensure any changes you've made since the cache was last cleared are reflected across your site.

2. Use the 'Clear for URL' option when changes have been made to a single URL only (or the 'Clear cache by multiple URLs' option if you have made changes to multiple URLs but don't wish to clear the cache site-wide).

If you find that you are needing to do this regularly, you may wish to reduce the Default Cache Age under Leap > Caching > Advanced Rules. The minimum age you can set is 1800 seconds, which equates to 30 minutes. This will mean that any changes you make to your site's content are reflected on the site within 30 minutes.

However, there is a better way to address this. If your site was built using WordPress, you can use the Ezoic plugin to automate the clearing of the Ezoic cache by page whenever you make changes. This is preferable to the above solution because adjusting the Default Cache Age for the entire site can negatively impact your site's Largest Contentful Paint overall user experience site-wide.
You can also have it clear the cache for the homepage should you wish for this to be cleared at the same time. If your site was not built using WordPress and you possess some technical know-how, you can use Ezoic's API found under Settings > API to replicate this instead. You can read more about how the plugin / API works here: How can I set up the Ezoic WordPress plugin for CDN management?
2. Need for Faster Content Updates for Specific Pages:
- Issue: Some pages, such as those with frequently updated news feeds or posts, may require faster updates than the default settings allow.
- Solution:
1. Under Leap > Caching, select Advanced Rules > Create New Page Rule.

Create a page or directory-level rule that reduces the Default Cache Age for the specific page or directory. If the URL is the homepage, this should be represented by a forward slash (/).

2. Under Leap > Caching, select Exclusion Rules > Create New Rule. Exclude the URL from being cached by Ezoic so the caching defaults to the settings specified on the origin server.