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How To Update / Add DNS Records and Subdomains

Modified on: Thu, 13 Jun, 2024

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What Are DNS Records?

Where Can I Find My DNS Records at My Host?

What makes up a DNS record?

Why Do You Need to Update Your DNS Records?

How to Add/Edit Your DNS Records:

How Do I Add a New Subdomain?

Do I Need to Do Anything if I Switch My Hosting Company?

Where Do I Update My Records if I Am Cloudflare Integrated?

What Are DNS Records?

Your site's DNS records are managed by your host. These are also sometimes known as “Zone Files” and include CNAME, A, @, www records and so on. These records are important as they point your website domain to the correct IP address of your server. Note that these records are different from your nameserver records, which are managed by your domain registrar.

When you integrate with Ezoic via name servers or Cloudflare, Ezoic will act as a proxy between your site and your users. Because of this, it is very important that your DNS records here at Ezoic (Dashboard > Settings > DNS Settings) are always up to date and match exactly with the records you have over at your current hosting company.

Here is an example of what these records may look like:


Where Can I Find My DNS Records at My Host?

Please refer to the following support article that will show you where you can find these records at your designated hosting company: Where to Find DNS Records / Zone Files at Your Host

What Makes Up a DNS Record?

When you go to edit or add a DNS record over here at Ezoic, you will need to enter in 4 different parts of the record to Ezoic:

4 Parts of a DNS Record:

1. DNS Record Type: A, CNAME, MX, TXT, SPF, AAAA, or ALIAS


2. Name: This refers to the host name or preferred subdomain or root domain. If your hostname of a particular record is your domain (example.com) you will need to input “@” instead of the full domain.

3. Value: This refers to the destination where the domain or subdomain should be sending traffic to. (Example: A records that points to an IP Address)

4. TTL: This stands for “time to live”. It represents how long the record should be cached for by the server. If you are unsure of what to put here, we recommend setting this to 300 (5 minutes).

Why Do You Need to Update Your DNS Records?

When you add a site to the Ezoic system, the DNS records are imported and replicated in your Ezoic dashboard. These include all your canonical values such as www., A records, and MX records for email etc. All DNS records are replicated in Ezoic so that they keep to the same rules for your site.

When a user visits a website, their browser calls for the content and is directed to the name servers for the site. Ezoic handles all these requests and directs the user to the IP address of the HTML - either pulling in Cached versions from a CDN or from your host. 

All requests are called back to your original server using the IP address of your host and Ezoic then sends a user to an experimental page (which includes ad tester ads) OR serves the content in the normal way. Ezoic creates Cloudfront DNS settings in the Ezoic DNS - to ensure that all Ezoic sites get CDN support (caching content either with Cloudflare or Amazon's Cloudfront. When the site is 'OFF' in the system - all requests continue to go to the same IP.

How to Add/Edit Your DNS Records:

If you ever need to add or edit a DNS record over here at Ezoic manually, please follow these steps:

1. Log into your Ezoic Dashboard and navigate to “Settings”:


2. Click on DNS in the side menu:


3a. If you need to add a record, just click “Add DNS Record” here:


3b. If you need to edit a certain record, just click the pencil icon next to the record you need to edit:


4. Enter the correct record information


5. Then be sure to click or “Add DNS Record” or “Edit DNS Record” respectively to save the change.

Apart from this way, you can upload multiple DNS records at the same time as well. In order to do this, you can follow the below steps:

1. Log into your Ezoic Dashboard and navigate to “Settings”:


2. Click on DNS in the side menu:


3. On the DNS settings section, just click the option to upload the record:


4. Create a .csv format file(if you already have one, skip this step) with the DNS records that you would like to upload. You can download a sample file through your dashboard and then fill in the DNS records. See the screenshot below:


5. Click on "Upload", find the file on your computer, and then after previewing it, just click on "ADD DNS RECORD" option:


How Do I Add a New Subdomain?

You can add a subdomain at any time within your DNS Settings by following the instructions from above with the correct subdomain record information.

Do I Need to Do Anything if I Switch My Hosting Company?

Generally speaking, most hosting providers allow custom name servers to be set so changing your hosting service provider is not normally a problem.

In order to keep Ezoic running during and after the switch with no issues, you'll need to update the full list of your DNS records in your Dashboard. It is important that you update your IP address to the location of your new host to prevent your site from going down during the switch.

It may be a good idea to keep your Ezoic representative informed of when you plan to make the switch so that they can help you if any problems arise.

On the other hand, some hosting companies may place conditions such as requiring the domain name to be registered with the same company. In very rare cases a hosting company will not provide the facility to have customized name servers - if this happens, you will need to:

1. Remove integration with Ezoic

2. Switch your hosting company

3. Update your DNS settings in your Dashboard

4. Re-integrate with Ezoic.

Most hosting companies make the switch fairly easy through the hosting company's Cpanel or user interface.

Where Do I Update My Records if I Am Cloudflare Integrated?

When integrated with Ezoic via the Cloudflare method, Ezoic is acting as the main proxy for your site rather than Cloudflare. This means that any DNS updates required to match the records found at the host need to be made within the Ezoic Dashboard first! These changes will then automatically propagate into Cloudflare.

Note: This will not work the other way around as any changes made at Cloudflare would just be overwritten by Ezoic.

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