The Ezoic User Dashboard is organized into eight primary sections, which users can access from the homepage by selecting the corresponding tab. These sections are: Home, Ezoic Ads, Leap, Flickify, Humix, NicheIQ, Analytics, and Settings.
1. Home: This is the central hub where users can get an overview of their account and status. New users will find a "getting started" checklist guiding them through essential setup steps. Each step includes clickable instructions that transition from bold/green text to a completed status once finished.
2. EzoicAds: In this section, users can manage their ad placements and configurations. It provides tools for optimizing ad performance and maximizing revenue.
3. Leap: This section focuses on website speed and performance optimizations. Users can access tools and recommendations to enhance loading times and overall site efficiency.
4. Flickify: This is where users can create and manage video content to enhance their site engagement.
5. Humix: This section deals with making and sharing video content across the Ezoic network to increase traffic and earnings.
6. NicheIQ: Users can leverage this section for niche-specific insights and content recommendations to drive targeted traffic.
7. Analytics: This section offers detailed analytics on site performance, including traffic and earnings reports. Users can get an overview of visits, speed scores, and estimated earnings over the past 30 days.
8. Settings: Here, users can configure their account settings, preferences, and other administrative functions.