The Max Ads Per Page app can be found under EzoicAds > Ad Restrictions. It allows publishers to restrict the number of ads displayed per page on their site. While this app provides more control over ad placements, it is not recommended for most sites due to its unfavourable influence on the optimization process and subsequent negative impact on ad revenue. When activated, the Max Ads Per Page app reduces the number of ads shown to some users, resulting in considerably lower earnings.
Whilst this might appear to be a worthwhile trade-off at first glance, it's worth noting that in most instances use of the app will make no difference to the perceived problem of too many ads being shown on a site. This is because Ezoic's AI already optimizes for user preference. As such, the majority of visitors to your site likely already see less ads than you think. Bear in mind that as the site owner, you spend more time than the average user on your own site, signalling to our system that you don't mind seeing more ads than your typical visitor. Over time, this will usually lead to you seeing more ads on your site than your audience. This is exactly how the system is supposed to work! By enabling the Max Ads Per Page app, the same amount of ads will usually be shown to your average user, however you'll be limiting the number of ads shown to those visitors whose behaviour has actually indicated that they don't mind seeing more ads. In essence, enabling the app will negatively impact revenue whilst having little to no impact on the user experience.
As such, if improving user experience (UX) is your goal, alternative methods such as resetting your Optimization Goal to focus on User Experience are recommended. You can do this under EzoicAds > Optimization Goals.
For those who decide to use the Max Ads Per Page app, you can enable it by clicking on "Disable Auto Optimize".
From there, you can set limits based on the number of words per article and per device being used.