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Can I add additional Users to my Ezoic Account?

Modified on: Tue, 28 May, 2024

Yes, you can add more users to your Ezoic Dashboard and Big Data Analytics report, with different levels of access. This means that you can give other people access to your Ezoic dashboard - without having to hand over full control.

This feature is currently restricted to Ezoic Premium users. You can find information on how Premium here.

When you are on Ezoic Premium, you’ll be able to access the Manage Users section under the drop-down menu in the top right of your Ezoic dashboard.

From this menu, simply select "Privacy & Security" and then ''Manage Users''.


You will then be taken to the Manage Users section where you can then add a new user, edit previous roles or remove users. When you create a new user, you can assign them a user email and password for access, and set an access level.


What is the difference between each access level?

''Administrators'' have access to all dashboard functions and Big Data Analytics with the ability to edit.

"Read Only"  allows you to select the different tools/reports in the Ezoic Dashboard that this user can only view but not edit.

''Limited Access'' allows you to select the tools/reports and give the user either read-only or read/write permission.

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