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Is Site Speed Measured As Part Of Ezoic Metrics?

Modified on: Mon, 6 Jun, 2022

Site speed is indirectly included in the metrics used by Ezoic, since it can potentially affect user experience metrics themselves (page views per visits, bounce rate, time on site). Therefore, if the site speed is poor you will be seeing a negative effect on those metrics.

Ezoic measures the desired end results, not the means. For example, we measure page views per visit, not "how many links are above the fold" or "how many menu items are there". The latter two might affect pageviews per visits, so they are tested, but they are not measured as a goal as their impact is unclear.

However, specifically addressing site speed there are a few troubleshooting tips that can help publishers immensely:

1. Make sure you are on your main domain. Often the domain listed in the search engines is www.domainname.com and publishers themselves go to the site without the www. - because no one visits the site without the www, there isn't much caching going on.

2. For a similar reason, make sure you are going to pages that are used frequently by your users. If you're just randomly clicking around you may be viewing pages that no one goes to and therefore they aren't cached.

3. If you're using a measurement tool, they often measure the time until all elements on the page have completely loaded. The Ezoic platform intentionally lazy-loads unnecessary resources.

For example, if there is a Facebook like button at the bottom of the page, we will delay the loading of that item until later. This makes the total time for the page to load longer, but improves usability since the content that the user first sees loads first / faster. Learn more about Lazy Loading here.

For more info on the positive impact Ezoic can have on site speed, the following guide contains some additional tips & tricks: HERE

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